West Columbia City Council is looking forward to continuing the progress in 2025
It’s a new year and the members of the West Columbia City Council said many great things have happened in regard to the progress. They are also excited about the projects that will be developed in 2025.

Mayor Tem Miles said more work will be done toward making the Meeting Street area of West Columbia safer and more pedestrian friendly.
Projects are in the works for the Meeting Street-Augusta Road (US 1) Corridor and lots of progress is expected to be made in 2025.
“West on Augusta Road (US 1) there are plans for stamped crosswalks and mast arm traffic signals to be installed at Dreher Road and Leaphart Road,” Miles said. There will be new signals installed at Wade Street and the Westside Plaza Shopping Center; and at the US-1 Walmart entrance. SCDOT will also make improvements to the US 1 corridor, Miles said.
Also: from State Street to 9th Street, Meeting Street will be changed from four lanes to two lanes, enhanced with on-street parking, dedicated left turn lanes, planted medians, pedestrian crosswalks, and shared-use paths designed to accommodate both walkers and bikers.
Councilman Mike Green represents District One.
“I am looking forward to seeing the steps down to the river at the Riverwalk upgraded for better accessibility. That is part of the plan,” Green said. He also said the West Columbia Police Department is recruiting new personnel and he expects to see more staff added to the WCPD. The completion of the upgrade to the water meters system to benefit water customers is another project Green said he expects will be completed in 2025.
Councilman Trevor Bedell represents District Two
“We are all excited about 2025,” he said. “Our staff is operating at maximum efficiency keeping us accustomed to the high quality of life we are used to in West Columbia. West Columbia is truly the home I love.”
Councilman George Crowe represents District Three.
“The year 2025 will be a year we continue on our Highway One project,” he said. “Also council will be working hard to get roadwork and repaving done on many of our neighborhood streets and making zoning changes on vape shops.” And we’ll be working to bring in new businesses to our city. I’m looking forward to tackling many of the challenges we face.”
Councilman Joseph Dickey represents District Four.
“I’m excited about two projects and many others, too,” Dickey said. “Meeting Street from State Street to 9th Street, The changes will make it safer, by slowing down traffic, and the walkability to local businesses will be increased. You can walk from Savage Craft Ale Works to Chayz Lounge or WECO Bottle and Biergartin or Crave. I’m very excited about that project. I’m looking forward to the infrastructure improvements in the New Brookland Mill Village, too. Those changes will make the neighborhood safer and easier to drive through.”
Councilman Mickey Pringle represents District Five.
“My vision is to continue to attract businesses,” he said, “and improve infrastructure and provide a safe environment for our citizens. Also, at the Lakeview Empowerment Center I would also like to continue providing quality services and programs for our youth and seniors.”
Councilman Jimmy Brooks represents District Six.
“I’m planning to work to get a couple of long term goals finished in West Columbia,” he said. “Personally, I’m planning on spending more quality time with my wife and kids before they head to college in the fall.”
Councilwoman Sara Mattern represents District Seven.
“I am looking forward to keeping the positive momentum going in the city,” she said. Projects ranging from new residential areas and businesses to park improvements and infrastructure have characterized the upgrades in West Columbia. Mattern said she wants to do what she can to make sure those improvements continue.
Councilman David Moye represents District Eight.
“We should continue our work making neighborhood streets safer and more livable as more development comes into the city. I am hopeful that 2025 will be a year for new projects that are close to breaking ground. I look forward to seeing our plans to improve and beautify Highway One move forward,” Moye said.
There are some big projects that will be encountered in West Columbia in 2025. City leaders are excited to continue to work with city staff to make sure West Columbia keeps growing in a way that is pleasing to the residents they serve.