West Columbia City Council identifies priorities on list of municipal improvements
West Columbia City Council held work session Jan. 27, to prioritize projects that need to be implemented in the city.
The session was facilitated by Jeff Shacker, Field Service Manager for the Municipal Association of South Carolina. Council identified goals and priorities for 2021 in the meeting.
Click for a link to the minutes of the meeting
In order, the must-do list included: “Identify intersections within redevelopment areas which are problematic from a safety, aesthetic, and pedestrianism standpoint. Develop plans for their improvement, realignment and/or possible closure.”
The first was “the intersections of Alexander Road at Meeting Street, US 378 at Meeting Street, N. Lucas Street at US 378, Charleston Highway between 12th Street and Meeting Street, and Charleston Highway and D Avenue.”
Second on the list was: “Review proposed initiatives within the citywide redevelopment plan as they apply to improvements in the Triangle City area including rebranding, streetscaping, lighting, and façade grants. Bring recommendations to council for consideration and possible action.”
Next was: “Continue current efforts to enhance the State Street/Meeting Street area through the completion of physical improvement projects currently underway. Evaluate projects which have been proposed by staff and council to expand redevelopment within the river district. Evaluate and implement steps which may be taken to address pedestrian safety issues, such as speeding on B Avenue. Develop a proposal for intersection reversals in particular and possibly other traffic calming approaches/strategies which are cost effective.”
Two more on the list included: Evaluate the effectiveness of the city’s code enforcement program, the level of staffing within the department, the department’s current operating procedures and practices, the court function, city ordinances, and the city’s current system for receiving and processing citizen complaints. Give specific attention to resolving dilapidated and burned-out structures.”
And: “Perform an internal evaluation/analysis of operations, staffing, programs, and workflows to identify potential improvements, potential resource reallocation, and to enhance overall effectiveness and cost efficiency. Include an analysis of equipment, facilities, and non-personnel resources. Include an evaluation of future needs based on 10-year projected growth.”
Meeting at US 378 Alexander Road Alexander Raod