August 1, 2015|admin@westmetro_news|Comments Off on West Columbia City Council agenda published|NEWS
WC City Hall
Agenda Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, August 4, 2015 at 6 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Determination of a Quorum III. Invocation IV. Pledge of Allegiance V. Announcements/Communications by the Mayor
VI. Requests for Appearances/Citizen Comment Period A. Mr. Greg Dahl, 1517 Whippoorwill Drive, Re: Fireworks Zones Inside the City Limits
B. Ms. Kim Christ, East Point Academy Re: Request to Sell Alcoholic Beverages Through a Licensed and Insured Bartending Service and Release Environmentally Friendly Sky Lanterns During a Mid-Autumn Festival on September 26, 2015 at the Riverwalk Amphitheater
C. Introduction of Mr. Mark A. Waller, P.E., Director of Planning, Engineering and Water Plants– Mr. Sid Varn
VIII. New Business A. A Resolution to Authorize the Consumption of Beer and Wine at the West Columbia Beautification Foundation’s Tribute for Trees Gala held at the City of West Columbia New Brookland Room on August 27, 2015 – Mr. Brian Carter, Deputy City Administrator
B. First Reading Consideration of the Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Establish the Zoning Classification of 12.70 Acres at the end of Harvest Glen Lane (TMS# 004599-09-007) as R-2 (Medium Density) – Mr. Wayne Shuler, AICP, Director of Planning and Zoning (Attachment VIII.B)
C. First Reading Consideration of the Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Establish the Zoning Classification 70 Acres in the 2500 block of Sunset Blvd at Chris Drive (TMS# 004597-02-002) as C-2 (General Commercial) – Mr. Wayne Shuler, AICP, Director of Planning and Zoning (Attachment VIII.C)
D. Consideration to Approve A Bid for the Replacement of the MIOX Storage Tank at the Lake Murray Water Treatment Plant – Mr. Mr. Mark A. Waller, P.E., Director of Planning, Engineering and Water Plants and Mr. Sid Varn (Attachment VIII.D)
IX. Adjourn to Executive Session to Discuss a Contractual Matter Concerning Animal Services Provided by Pawmetto Lifeline, 1275 Bower Parkway, Columbia, SC
X. Reconvene to Regular Session XI. Consideration to Approve A Contract for Animal Services with Pawmetto Lifeline