West Columbia City Council Agenda for Tuesday meeting
City of West Columbia City Council Meeting Agenda
Regular Council Meeting following the Public Hearing on the TIF
Tuesday, Sept. 1, 6 p.m. at West Columbia City Hall.
Public Hearing Considering the Adoption of Proposed Amendments to, and Including the Extension of, the Redevelopment Plan of the City of West Columbia Originally Dated June 2, 1998, Which Established the City’s Tax Increment Financing District. I. Call to Order II. Opening Remarks – Lawrence E. Flynn, Esq., Pope Flynn, LLC III. Public Comments on Extension of TIF IV. Adjourn
Announcements/Communications by the Mayor
Requests for Appearances/Citizen Comment Period A. Ms. Gina Wolfe, Soda City Cirque, LLC, 111 Blythewood Point Drive, Re: Extension on Noise Ordinance at Conundrum Music Hall until 10 p.m. on September 4th, 5th, 11th and 12th.
B. Ms. Martha Wise, President, River District Merchant’s Association Re: Request to Place Banners on Light Poles in the State and Meeting Street Areas.
A. Second Reading Consideration of the Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Establish the Zoning Classification of 12.70 Acres at the end of Harvest Glen Lane (TMS# 004599-09-007) as R-2 (Medium Density)
B. Second Reading Consideration of the Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Establish the Zoning Classification .70 Acres in the 2500 block of Sunset Blvd at Chris Drive (TMS# 004597-02-002) as C-2 (General Commercial) Regular Council Meeting Agenda September 1, 2015 Page Two VIII. Unfinished Business – Continued
C. Second Reading Consideration of the Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Rezone 115 Archive Court (TMS# 004641-08-022) from LM (Light Manufacturing) to C3 (Restricted Commercial)
D. Consideration of the Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Establish the Zoning Classification for the 16.38 Acres off Leaphart Road (TMS# 004599-09-15) as R2 (Medium Density Residential)
IX. New Business
A. First Reading Consideration of an Ordinance to Provide for the Approval of Certain Amendments to the Redevelopment Plan of the City of West Columbia, South Carolina, and Other Matters Related Thereto (Attachment IX.A)
B. First Reading Consideration of the Bond for Oakwood Village Phase One Submitted by the Mungo Company.
C. Consideration of a Resolution to Authorize the Sale and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages at the Soda City Friends Dinner on the Gervais Street Bridge on October 18, 2015.
D. Consideration of a Resolution to Authorize the City Administrator and Fire Chief to Execute an Automatic Aid Agreement for Fire Protection and Other Emergency Services between the City of West Columbia Fire Department and the City of Columbia Fire Department – West Columbia Fire Chief, Wyatt Coleman.
E. Consideration to Approve the Bid Tabulation for the Cedar Road and Mineral Springs Road Waterline Relocation Project – Mr. Mr. Mark A. Waller, P.E., Director of Planning, Engineering and Water Plants.
X. Adjournment