West Columbia businessman Bill Mooneyhan passes away
Bill Mooneyhan. Sr., who owned and operated Mooneyhan’s Auto Service in West Columbia passed away Saturday evening (Feb. 27.) (Bill Mooneyhan in feature photo on the right with friend Steve Cohen.)
Bill Mooneyhan Jr. Posted the following on Facebook:
Last night I held my dads hand and told him goodbye. He was the best dad anyone could ever want and I had the best 28 years being his son. I can’t wait to make him proud while he watches me from heaven. He dedicated his life to loving his family and friends. I wish I could have had him around longer but the time I had with him was the best anyone could ever had. I love you dad. I’m so lucky you gave me your name. I hope I can be half the man you were.

West Columbia Mayor Tem Miles posted the following on Facebook:
Bill Mooneyhan, Sr passed away yesterday. He was an unbelievably great guy , and I am truly lucky to have been one of his many friends. There have been many people who have been elected mayor of West Columbia, but Bill Mooneyhan was the mayor of West Columbia. He knew everybody and everything that was going on. I have never met anyone who loved any town as much as he loved West Columbia. The only thing that I know he loved more than our town was his beautiful family. He was so proud of them all.
Mooneyhan recently celebrated his 40th year in business. He died at home and his death was unexpected. Bill was a member of the West Columbia planning Commision and a leader in countless civic endeavors.
He was one the founders of Taste on the River, the annual benefit for the West Columbia Beautification Foundation. He was also the leader of the recently revitalized River District business organization.
Bill served as a conduit, communicating with many segments of the business community. He was a member of the Cayce-West Columbia Lions Club and he worked on many charitable events throughout the year. He had also served for years on the Board of the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce.