West Columbia Beautification Foundation’s Tree Tribute Gala (Sept. 26) redefining the city

Can you imagine what it would look like to have tree-lined streets connecting commercial to residential areas throughout West Columbia? That’s the question the West Columbia Beautification Foundation is answering.
If you see an area of town starting to shine, there’s a good chance the West Columbia Beautification Foundation has a hand in it.
The West Columbia Beautification Foundation is committed to redefining West Columbia as an impressive and attractive place to live, work, or visit by involving the entire community in positive beautification efforts.
“Everything we do is attentive to the beautification foundation’s mission,” said Bill Mooneyhan, a longtime and active member of the WCBF.
And part of fulfilling the WCBF’s mission is one of its most important events.
The West Columbia Beautification Foundation’s Tribute for Trees Gala is from 5 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 26, in the New Brookland Room at City Hall, 200 N. 12th Street, West Columbia.
It’s the Third Annual Tribute for Trees Fundraiser. Funds raised at the Tribute for Trees will be used to purchase trees to complete the plantings on Sunset Boulevard in West Columbia. (A suggested $200 donation will purchase one tree.)
WCBF Chairwoman Melissa Sprouse Browne said, “We are very excited to take this event to the next level.”
Browne also said the local authors at the event this year is a nice addition to the Beautification Foundation efforts to increase the reach of the The West Columbia Beautification Foundation.
The celebration includes Hors d’oeuvres from local restaurants, entertainment by Bob Michalski, the Sax Man, and wine/beer. Meet local authors, elected officials, and emcee Joe Pinner. By purchasing a tree, you can personally make a difference in our community.
The “Local Author Fair” is new to the gala. Come out and meet local writers. Books from several genres will be available. Get your autographed copies while helping make West Columbia a more beautiful place.
“I don’t know if I can name a better example of citizens more committed to improving their surrounds than the West Columbia Beautification Foundation,” said West Columbia Mayor Bobby Horton. “It is truly a labor of love for the beautification foundations’ members. They have done such a wonderful job and it just keeps getting better. They are able to do so much because of events like the Tribute for Trees Gala. I encourage everyone to be a part of that. It’s such a wonderful event, and the motivation of its organizers are so honorable. I’m very proud that we have citizens in West Columbia who contribute on the level that the members of the

West Columbia Beautification Foundation contribute.”
To accomplish its goals, the WCBF is made up of 12 foundation directors. These leaders are selected from people who live, work or own businesses in West Columbia.
West Columbia City Councilman Tommy Parler is one of the founders of the WCBF, and he is a current member, too.
“There are a lot of things we can do to improve the City of West Columbia,” Parler said. “The beautification foundation gives us a way to use many types of resources to make our surroundings look better. There is a deep sense of satisfaction to see the place you call home upgraded to something we can all be proud to look at.”
The gala is a very important event for a lot of good reasons. History is only one of these reasons.
The WCBF was established in 2008. Its origination was the idea of local community leaders, elected officials, and city staff members. These interested and involved parties collaborated to establish a nonprofit organization designed to energize West Columbia as an attractive place to live, work, and visit.
The WCBF has perpetuated its mission by partnering with the city to beautify both public and private areas through landscaping, attractive structures and .sculpting.
As a practical tool, the beautification foundation provides a mechanism to accept tax deductible contributions for the purpose of applying funds to enhancing various properties.
They work with the city and citizens to make meaningful changes that will have a long-term positive impact on the economy, environment, and livability of the West Columbia community.

“Regardless of the amount of time it takes, it’s a comforting feeling to know that there are people who care about this city to the degree they are willing to give their time, use their resources, and their effort to make their mark,” Mooneyhan said. “The work of the beautification foundation is part of our message to future generations to not only work for a more beautiful place to live, but to be motivated to carry on the tradition of community service. That is our hope.”
If your business would like to help sponsor this event, please call Events Manager Kelli Ricard at 803.939.8623.
All donations are tax deductible and can be made in person on the evening of the event or mailed to: West Columbia Beautification Foundation, PO Box 4044, West Columbia, SC 29171.