West Columbia Beautification Foundation’s Taste on the River is Tuesday!
February 23, 2017||Comments Off on West Columbia Beautification Foundation’s Taste on the River is Tuesday!|NEWS
Join the West Columbia Beautification Foundation for a Taste on the River. It’s at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28. at Stone River, Alexander Road, West Columbia (Beside the Riverwalk Amphitheater.)
The best restaurants from West Columbia and the Vista are coming together for a fun evening to showcase their cuisine to help beautify West Columbia. Tour the tasting stations throughout the event and browse our silent auction for thrills and deals!
Tickets: $50 per person, includes 2 Drink Tickets
Cash Bar
Restaurants to Sample
Silent Auction/Raffle
Estates & Companies
Mooneyhan’s Auto Service
Something Borrowed, LLC
McGee Real Estate