West Columbia Beautification Foundation recognized

West Columbia Mayor Bobby Horton(pictured) Mayor Pro-Tem Tem Miles (pictured), and West Columbia City Council recognized the West Columbia Beautification Foundation for their valuable contributions to the City.
Copy of Resolution below:

A Resolution Recognizing the West Columbia Beautification Foundation for their Valuable Contributions to the City of West Columbia
Whereas, the West Columbia Beautification Foundation was established in 2008 as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. The purpose of the Foundation is to beautify the City of West Columbia; and
Whereas, the West Columbia Beautification Foundation is comprised of 15 voting members, known as the Board of Directors, and 8 other contributing members. The West Columbia Beautification Foundation’s Board of Directors are as follows: Chairman Melissa Sprouse Browne, Vice Chairman Bill Mooneyhan, Secretary/Treasurer Brian Carter, Steve Cohen, Sandy Harley, Dr. Liz Holmes, Mayor Bobby Horton, Robin Jackson, Lanie Lewis, Mayor ProTem Tem Miles, Anastasia Manos, Bob Michalski, Jake Moore, Tommy Parler, and Kathy Whetzel. The West Columbia Beautification Foundation’s contributing members are as follows: Crystal Bouknight, Jamie Hook, Anna Huffman, Colleen Otte, Kelli Ricard, Wayne Shuler, Connie Vaughn, and Stephen Williams.
Whereas, the West Columbia Beautification Foundation hosts fundraising events such as Taste on the River and Tribute for Trees to raise funds for beautification projects throughout the city; and
Whereas, the West Columbia Beautification Foundation is responsible for beautification projects in West Columbia, such as the welcome sign on the corner of Sunset Boulevard and Meeting Street, the screening for the West Columbia Riverside Treatment Plant, the Art on State wall and dumpster beautification efforts behind Terra’s Restaurant, memorial bricks for the Enabling Park Entryway Plaza, hanging baskets along State Street, and tree plantings throughout West Columbia; and
Whereas, the members of the West Columbia Beautification Foundation are invested in the mission of making the City of West Columbia a clean and safe place to live, work, and play; and
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Mayor and City Council of the City of West Columbia hereby expresses its gratitude and appreciation for the West Columbia Beautification Foundation, its Board of Directors, and contributing members for the outstanding service, commitment, and contributions to the City of West Columbia.
Now, Therefore Be It Further Resolved, that West Columbia City Council wishes to thank past and present members of the West Columbia Beautification Foundation for their dedication, effort, and passion to the Foundation and the West Columbia community Adopted this 4th day of June, 2019