West Columbia Beautification Foundation Awards December Yard of the Month Winner
The West Columbia Beautification Foundation awarded the December 2020 Yard of the Month to Theatus Chapman and Michael LaClair, 1305 Hummingbird Drive, West Columbia. The December award recognizes residents who have gone above and beyond to decorate their homes for the season. Theatus Chapman and Michael LaClair are pictured with Bill Mooneyhan and Kathy Whetzel, WCBF Chairwoman.
Local businesses, including Mooneyhan’s Auto Service, State Street Trading Company, and Chick-Fil-A, donated gift certificates to the December winners. The winners have the “Featured Property” sign displayed in their yard.
Program Guidelines
• Submissions should include three to five photos submitted via Facebook Messenger (facebook.com/beautifywcolasc) or by email ([email protected])
• Submissions will be accepted from the public, city staff, or WCBF members
• Submission photos must be taken of the property that is visible from the street
• The same property can receive an award more than once in a calendar year, but it must be in a different category
• The property of all current residents of West Columbia, both owner-occupied and rental, are eligible to participate in the program
• The upkeep of the yard or decorations can reflect the effort of the resident or that of a professional landscaper or groundskeeper
• During the reign as Yard of the Month, winners are expected to maintain their yard in the same manner that allowed them to win the title
Full guidelines can be found on the Foundation website beautifywestcolumbia.org/yard-of-the-month.
The West Columbia Beautification Foundation is committed to redefining West Columbia as an impressive and attractive place to live, work, or visit by involving the entire community in positive beautification efforts. In 2008, local community leaders, elected officials, and city staff collaborated to establish the West Columbia Beautification Foundation, a nonprofit organization designed to energize West Columbia as an attractive place to live, work, and visit.
The West Columbia Beautification Foundation partners with the City of West Columbia to beautify both public and private areas through landscaping and other projects. The Beautification Foundation provides a mechanism to accept tax deductible contributions for this purpose. The Foundation solicits individual and corporate sponsorships to aid the city in obtaining funds for beautification projects along West Columbia’s major thoroughfares, the expansion of tree canopies and the development of green spaces. Twelve Foundation Directors were selected from persons who live, work or own businesses in the city. These directors are working to make genuine changes that will have a long-term positive impact on the economy, environment, and livability of the West Columbia community. The Foundation is a non-profit corporation under the SC Nonprofit Corporation Act as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.
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