West Columbia annexation vote scheduled for July

The City of West Columbia will move to annex 661 addresses.
A vote to accomplish that is scheduled for July 26, at the Central Nazarene Church. The vote was announced at a special West Columbia City Council meeting, Monday.
B.J. Unthank, West Columbia’s economic development director said the city has received the signatures of 239 residents who returned a query regarding a vote on annexation. Those residents are not West Columbia residents now.
To move forward with a vote on annexation 25 percent of the people – in homes- who live in the boundary being considered, must submit signatures.
“Those signatures have been certified,” Unthank said. The Lexington County Voter Registration Office scheduled the vote.
The area that is up for annexation includes the US 1 corridor, near the West Columbia Lowe’s location. The will of a simple majority of those who vote on July 26, will determine if the annexation passes, or not. Unthank said about 900 voters live in the addresses in the annexation area.
Unthank said he has been door-to-door explaining the benefits of annexation.
“The feedback has been positive,” he said.
West Columbia has given residents in the area half-priced water-sewer service for a year in an effort to show customers one of the benefits of being in the West Columbia City Limits. Police and fire protection – and sanitation services- are other benefits that would be provided by West Columbia if the annexation is voted in.