Water service to be disrupted for some West Columbia customers
The completion of the waterline relocation project on Rainbow Drive will require a disruption in service for City of West Columbia water customers beginning on Tuesday.
Water service will be turned off for customers from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., on Tuesday, March 7, for customers on the East side of I-26, marked in orange on the attached map:
All addresses on the 2500 Block of Rainbow Drive
All addresses on the 400 and 500 Blocks of Beverly Drive
All West Columbia water customers on Huntington Drive
2122 Platt Springs Road
Eddine Drive
Mary Drive
White Avenue
Brooks Avenue including the Leisure Center
Westside Drive
Whiteside Circle
Bonnie Street
Shirley Street
Water service will be turned off for customers from 7 a,m. – 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 8, for customers on the West side of I-26, marked in yellow on the attached map:
2804 and 2808 Wilton Road
All addresses on Dawn Drive
All addresses on Rainbow Circle
All addresses on Armstrong Street
All addresses on Kensington Court
A map of the affected areas (shown in orange and yellow) is attached to this news release. Once the water lines are relocated and water service is restored, water customers in this area and any water customers near this area who have lost water pressure are advised to vigorously boil their water for at least one (1) full minute prior to drinking or cooking. Also, any ice made from water that has not been boiled should not be used for drinking purposes.
Water customers may check the City of West Columbia website, at www.westcolumbiasc.gov, for updates on the boil water advisory.
Water customers may also contact customer service at City Hall between 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday at 803-791-1880. Emergencies occurring after hours and on weekends and holidays should be reported to the West Columbia Police Department at 803-794-0721. Click on map below to enlarge: