“Valuable and unique” Brookland-Cayce “Diva” Lynn Summer to retire
Lynn Summer has spent 25 years as a teacher at Brookland-Cayce High School. She is retiring at the end of this school year.
“I’m at a good place,” said Summer. “I’m just ready.”
To commemorate her retirement from BC, there was a drop in reception for “The BC Diva” Lynn Summer. It was in the Brookland Cayce High Cafeteria Sunday.
Sen. Nikki Setzler was there, along with many of Summer’s former students, their parents and even some former teaching colleagues.
“Today I had the privilege to present a Senate Resolution to Lynn Summer upon her retirement after 25 years teaching at Brookland-Cayce High School,” Setzler said. “Lynn has done an incredible job teaching our young people—including teaching each student that, “you are unique and valuable and therefore have to act unique and valuable.”
Wendy Hook Watford and her daughter Jade, were at the reception.
“Kudos to the amazing teacher, Lynn Summer, on your retirement,” said Wendy Watford. “You have meant so much to our family. We are blessed that you loved and nurtured both Jade Watford and Taylor. Thank you for all you have given to BC.”
Akeen Kerns-Benjamin, who works in the Lexington Two School District, graduated from BC in 2008. He remembers Summer fondly.
“She always told her students ‘You are valuable and unique.’ Many students remember her for that.”
Summer said there is a reason she developed the “valuable and unique” message. She said parents entrust their children to her and she wanted to be worthy. “All of them have value, and they are unique. That became my catch phrase. We all say it every day.”
Summer once taught physical education. She now runs the teacher cadet program at BC. She said it is the opportunity for Lexington Two School District to “grow our own” teachers. Summer said she is proud that four of her cadets have come back and are now teaching at BC.
With so much tied to her for so long at BC, Summer said it may not be easy to let go. “I’ve always answered when the bell rings,” she said. “I’m not sure how it will feel when the bell rings next year and I’m not there.”
But Summer said she is a volunteer with the Scooter Scott Project at Airport High School, so she won’t get totally away from the students. She also has three sons. One of them was recently married. So Summer said it would be nice to have grandchildren in her future. Her husband, Randy, works for Dominion Energy, and he has not retired, even though it is the right time for Lynn to step down.
“We will spend time at the lake and in the country,” she said. And as she changes pace, Summer can go knowing her time at BC has been appreciated.
Thank you, Lynn for 25 years as a teacher and all you mean to our community,” said Setzler. “Ada Jane (Setzler’s wife) and I are honored to have you as a friend.”