Updated list of candidates filing to run in Lexington County
The filing period in Lexington County began March 16, for local and state offices.
The filing period is open until March 30. Primaries are scheduled for June 14. If there are runoff elections, those would be held June 28. The General Election is Nov. 8.
“D” denotes Democrat, all others are Republicans. “I” denote incumbent.
The list of Lexington County filers:
Lexington County
Jay Koon (i)
John Elkin – Constitution Party – (withdrew from race on March 21)
Lexington County Council
District 1:
Jim Kinard (i)
Scotty Whetstone
District 3:
Darrell Hudson, Brad Matthews and Colin Thain
District 4:
Debbie Summers (i)
Gene Wilbur
District 5:
Brian Duncan
Bobby Keisler (i)
District 6:
Erin Long Bergeson
Ronald Derrick
Benjamin Stitely
Dino Teppara
Chris Harmon (i)
Clerk of Court:
Lisa Comer
Emily Hinson
Mollie Taylor
Margaret Fisher (i)
Glenn Ross
Register of Deeds:
Rich Bolen
Joyce Munsch
Tina Guerry
11th Circuit Solicitor:
Rick Hubbard
Candice Lively
Larry Wedekind
Jim Eckstrom (i)
U.S. House of Representatives
Second District:
Arik Bjorn (D)
Phil Black (D)
Eddie McCain (American Party)
Joe Wilson (i).
S.C. Senate
District 23:
Katrina Shealy (i)
District 26:
Nikki Setzler (D) (i)
S.C. House of Representatives
District 39:
Cal Forrest
Ralph Kennedy (i),
Tillman Gives (D)
District 69:
Ryan Holt
Rick Quinn (i)
Michael Petrone (D)
District 85:
Bryan Clifton
Chip Huggins (i)
District 87:
Todd Atwater (i)
District 88:
Mac Toole (i)
District 89:
Bill Banning
Micah Caskey
Billy Oswald
Rosemounda “Peggy” Butler (D)
District 96:
Perry Finch
Kit Spires (i)
S.C. House District 93:
Russell Ott (D) (i)