U.S Rep. Joe Wilson speaks to small business owners in West Columbia

The National Federation of Independent Businesses, with U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson, conducted a Small Business Roundtable in West Columbia Wednesday.
Wilson, (R-Springdale) told the small business owners attending he wants a more limited government.
Wilson also talked about the minimum wage and the need for more technical training to fill the need for skill-level jobs.
The gathering was held at Cafe Strudel on State Street.
Jim Davis, Remax Broker-in-Charge from Mount Pleasant, told Wilson his company has trouble finding enough skilled workers in construction trades.
“Our technical education centers are important,” said Wilson. He said training workers for skills in construction is imperative.
Before answering that question- in a discussion about the minimum wage- Wilson said there are too many entitlement programs, so people are not encouraged to go find jobs.
Wilson also said the vast majority jobs pay more than minimum wage.
Ben Homeyer, NFIB State Director, said about 90 of all minimum wage jobs are held by employees under the age of 25.
Wilson said drug abuse is another factor that hurts the employment rate.
When ask what Washington could do, Wilson said he’d like to dismantle the U.S. Department of Education and turn money over to local leaders to fund education. He said S.C. Superintendent of education Molly Spearman is doing a great job. Wilson said he’d trust her, more than Washington, to oversee education spending.