Two weeks left – Final plans being made for West Columbia’s 2nd Annual Kinetic Derby Day
The big day is drawing near. Kinetic Derby Day is Saturday April 27, on State and Meeting Streets in West Columbia.
On Wednesday, Kinetic Derby Day planners did a walk-through in order to preview the layout for the event.
“The purpose of the walk-through was to go over the plan for the day and identify the logistics and coordination of the different departments and volunteers to make it another successful event,” said Anna Huffman, City of West Columbia communications director. “We confirmed the best areas to put different attractions and food to create flow throughout the event.”
Kinetic Derby Day is free and includes a kinetic sculpture parade, soapbox car racing for adults and children, art, food, and family fun.
The Kinetic Sculpture Parade begins at 11 a.m. on Meeting Street. The child and adult soap box derby racing begins at 11:30 a.m. on Meeting Street. Adults have two race categories, Art Cars and Need For Speed. Children ages eight-and-up will race on Meeting Street. Authentic vintage race cars will be available for the younger children to race on State Street.
With only about two weeks before the festivities, final preparations are being made.
There is a test run of Kinetic Derby Day soapbox racers scheduled.
The City of West Columbia invites you to attend the Kinetic Derby Day Test Run this Saturday (April 13) from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m., on the corner of State and Center Streets, West Columbia.
“Come out to see participants test out their creations and get ready for the Kinetic Sculpture Parade and Soap Box Derby races during the 2nd Annual Kinetic Derby Day,” stated a press release from the city. For more information on Kinetic Derby Day, go to kineticderbyday.com.

“I am very much anticipating Kinetic Derby Day,” said West Columbia Mayor Bobby Horton. “It was such a refreshing celebration last year. I think we can expect the same this year. It’s a chance for our people to show off our city in the beautiful River District. We have so much to offer and this is how we can demonstrate that to so many people, outside of our city.”
Others are also ready.
“We are very excited about participating in the Kinetic Derby this year,” said Joni Coleman, director of the Lexington Two Innovation Center. “Our students have been working very hard on our car. It is a great opportunity for our students to work together and to promote our programs offered at the Lexington Two Innovation Center.”
City residents and business owners are looking forward to Kinetic Derby Day, too.

Last year, Mooneyhan’s Auto Repair Service was a participant in the soapbox race. The designers of last year’s car learned a lot and expect to apply that knowledge in this year’s event.
“We expect to be much faster,” said Bill Mooneyhan. car owner.
He said his race team did not do as well as it wanted in 2018. “We were not as competitive as we thought we should have been,” said Mooneyhan. “We’ll have the same car, but we’ve made some adjustments and modifications. We’re getting close to putting on the finishing touches, and it’s a work in progress. But we want to compete. We want to be proud of our effort. I expect our entry in the race will be more successful this time around.”
As far as Kinetic Derby Day goes, Mooneyhan said his experience last year makes him even more excited for the 2019 version of the event.
“It was a very great event the first time it was held,” said Mooneyhan. Kinetic Derby Day made me so proud of West Columbia. It is a chance to show off our community spirit and our city. I’m so glad we’re hosting it again. It is another chance to show more people what we are all about.”
Make sure you do not miss Kinectic Derby Day. It is one of the most-enjoyable days of the year in West Columbia.