Trend in COVID cases at Lexington Medical Center shows a decline
There was a spike of COVID-19 cases treated at Lexington Medical Center in January. But the number of COVID are, for the most part, declining at Lexington Medical Center since Jan. 25.
The number of COVID patients at the hospital with COVID last Tuesday (Jan. 25) was 149. On Wednesday that number was 144. The number edged up to 147 on Thursday, but dropped to 138 on Friday. On Monday, LMC reported on their Facebook page 135 patients with COVID. The number in intensive care with COVID also dropped. from 24 on Thursday to 21 on Friday and 19 on Monday. The number of COVID deaths is no longer being posted by LMC.
The hospital data is showing most of the hospitalized are unvaccinated.
Fewer people are being tested for COVID. On Jan. 13, LMC showed 2,111 were tested for COVID. Of those, 48 percent were positive. Monday’s report showed 358 were tested and 39 percent of those were positive.
For vaccine and test information: Go to: https://www.lexmed.com/?fbclid=IwAR1-G9KrDuyvvCzIWriMBye96doN7_R_1G_bHwc9xTfcrm4z3lTp8_4C5B0&fbclid=IwAR1-G9KrDuyvvCzIWriMBye96doN7_R_1G_bHwc9xTfcrm4z3lTp8_4C5B0