Town of Lexington suspends face mask ordinance
Effective immediately, the Lexington Town Council has voted to suspend the ordinance that requires individuals to wear face coverings in retail establishments {grocery stores, pharmacies, big box stores, etc.} within Town limits. Suspension of the face mask ordinance was announced on Friday.
Also on Friday, SC Gov. Henry McMaster announced that face masks would no longer be mandatory in government buildings.
By executive order McMaster rescinded mandatory face coverings in state government offices, buildings and facilities. The governor also said in a release, the process of returning the remaining state employees back to the workplace on a full-time basis, can begin.
“Now that the majority of South Carolinians are eligible to receive the vaccine, and infections and hospitalizations have dropped significantly, state agency heads may safely bring back the last group of state employees working remotely,” McMaster said.
Additionally, the executive order recommends previously mandatory face masks in restaurants.
Town Council continues to urge compliance with COVID-19 recommendations issued by DHEC and the Governor’s Office.