There are School Board votes in Lexington 2 and 4 on Nov. 8
Election Day is rapidly approaching.
There are contested seats on the school boards of Lexington County Districts of Two and Four.
The election for those seats will be held Nov. 8.
Two challengers in Lexington Two are running for four school board seats. Four incumbents are running, too.
The incumbents are: Bill Bingham, Beth Branham, Glen Conwell, and Cindy Kessler. The challengers are Kevin Key and Ken Scheller.
There are 16 schools in Lexington 2, and about 9,000 students. Communities in the district include Cayce, West Columbia, Springdale, Pine Ridge and South Congaree.
In the Lexington School District Four race there are also two challengers and four incumbents.: Daniel Martin, Kathy Mixson, Chris Pound, and Doris Simmons are the incumbents. Viola McDaniel and Tim Williams are challengers.
There are seven schools and an adult education center with about 3,500 students in Lexington Four.
The district’s two attendance areas are Gaston and Swansea.