“The unimaginable happened here,” said Cayce Mayor Elise Partin

“The unimaginable happened here, said Cayce Mayor Elise Partin at a candlelight vigil for 6-year-old Faye Swetlik, who was killed last week after being abducted. “A child went missing and won’t be coming home.”
A crowd gathered under a gray and rainy sky for the vigil that was held late Tuesday afternoon at Cayce City Hall.
Partin said, through tears, in the community’s collective grief “We all became a part of Faye’s family. She called the murder of the child an “unspeakable evil.”
Also speaking was Hope Vrana, Principal of Springdale Elementary, the school Faye, a first-grader, attended. She said Faye first came to Springdale in August, but the school “quickly grew to love her smile, joyful spirit and very kind heart.” Faye added sunshine to the school, said Vrana.
Sarah Main, Executive Director of Lexington County Community Mental Health spoke and Chaplain Kevin Rogerson of Joel Baptist Church, offered the closing prayer, before the candle lighting.
Partin also said “we got to see who we are in the worst of times.” She also referenced a national news broadcast that characterized Cayce as “such a sweet community.”
“As we mourn Faye know that you made a positive difference,” Partin said

Cayce City Council members Eva Corley, Skip Gates, Partin, Tara Almond, Phil Carter, Chaplain Rogerson, and Cayce DPS Dir. Byron Snellgrove