Taylor Watford Foundation’s 5K Run/Walk to fight substance abuse is this Saturday – Link to register or be a volunteer
May 13, 2024||Comments Off on Taylor Watford Foundation’s 5K Run/Walk to fight substance abuse is this Saturday – Link to register or be a volunteer|NEWS, Social Media
Sign up for the Taylor Watford Foundation’s 5K Run/Walk for Hope. It’s this Saturday (May 18) The Run/Walk starts at the Brookland-Cayce High School Arena. This year the race is in memory of McKenna Harris. The Taylor Watford Foundation is asking you to consider racing or sponsoring and supporting local substance use prevention efforts.
Register to race at strictlyrunning.com
Sign up to volunteer at https://www.taylorwatfordfoundation.org/events2/
The Taylor Watford Foundation is a non-profit organization in Cayce, South Carolina that fights against substance abuse and supports mental health. Our motto is “Giving Hope to Life”