Lexington Medical Center

Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Golf Tournament featuring, USC Basketball Coach Lamont Paris, draws a “Sold Out” crowd at Charwood Country Club

The Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce hosted a “Sold Out” Spring Golf Tournament, Thursday at Charwood Country Club in Pine Ridge. USC Men’s Basketball Coach Lamont Paris was on hand to address the crowd. Paris described himself as an avid golfer and a resident of West Columbia. He also said he studied business in […]


Update on Lexington Medical Center the topic of Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast

Roger Sipe, senior VP of operations for Lexington Medical Center, addressed the 110 attendees of the Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast on the LMC – West Columbia campus, Tuesday. He updated the crowd on some LMC projects, and Sipe chronicled the growth of the hospital over the last 50-plus years. He said a new Cayce Urgent Care […]


Lexington Medical Center and USC will break ground on new West Columbia facility to train nurses, Tuesday

Lexington Medical Center and the University of South Carolina will break ground next week on a new building to train nurses on the hospital campus in West Columbia. The groundbreaking ceremony will take place at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023, according to a news release. This project will grow a public-private partnership between the university’s College of […]


First baby born at Lexington Medical Center in 2023

Say hello to little Javon, the first baby born of 2023 at Lexington Medical Center on New Year’s Day. Parents Aleah and Javon welcomed their 6 lb. 10 oz. baby boy at 2:34. a.m. Congratulations to this beautiful family.


Lexington Medical Center acquires 2 properties to house business operations

NAI Columbia’s Ben Kelly, Patrick Chambers, and Jack Springs successfully represented Lexington Medical Center in acquiring two properties. One of the newly acquired properties is located at 2729 Sunset Blvd., directly across from Lexington Medical Center’s main campus in West Columbia. The property sits on 5.98 acres and was formerly occupied by a Farm Bureau […]


Bomb threat investigated at Lexington Medical Center offices

A bomb threat was reported at Lexington Medical Center, Wednesday. The Lexington County Sheriff’s Department and the Lexington Medical Center Public Safety Department investigated it. An “All Clear” was issued after 3 p.m. Wednesday. The bomb threat came via a phone call to a physician’s practice in Lexington Park 2, at 146 East Hospital Drive […]


Lexington Medical Center, USC form a partnership, 2 new facilities to be built in West Columbia

Lexington Medical Center has announced a partnership with the University of South Carolina. The two are forming the union to combat a nursing nursing shortage and to increase the number of primary care physicians. Lexington Medical Center will build a 50,000-square-foot state-of-the-art nursing simulation center and teaching space on the hospital’s campus to provide clinical […]


Number of COVID cases declining at Lexington Medical Center

The number of COVID-19 cases are declining, according to data posted on Lexington Medical Center’s Facebook page. The number of patients hospitalized with COVID on Friday (Feb. 3) was 129. The hospital reported 135 patients with COVID on Monday (Jan. 31.) There were 147 in the hospital with COVID on Jan. 27 and 138 on […]