lexington 2 schools

New athletic director and head football coach hired for Airport High School

A football coach and teacher with more than a decade of experience with South Carolina high school teams has been tapped for the top athletics post at Airport High School. Shane Fidler, who is currently head football coach at the Class 5A Ashley Ridge High School in Summerville, is Airport’s new athletic director and head […]


West Columbia City Hall, Lexington 2 Schools closed Monday for Presidents Day

West Columbia City Hall and Lexington 2 Schools are closed Monday for President’s Day. The City of West Columbia City Hall will be closed Monday, Feb. 20, in observance of Presidents Day. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, Feb. 21. Sanitation routes will run as normal. Emergencies occurring after hours, on weekends, or on holidays should be […]


In-person school canceled Friday for Lexington 2 Schools

With the potential for higher sustained winds and wind gusts associated with Tropical Storm Nicole, and in an abundance of caution, Lexington Two schools will move to an eLearning day on Friday, November 11. All after-school activities, programs and athletic events that were scheduled for Friday are canceled or will be rescheduled.  Thursday afternoon’s after-school […]


Lexington Two School District’s Performing Arts Center beginning to take shape

Work continues on the Lexington Two School District’s Performing Arts Center and District Office (L2PAC for short.) It’s on Platt Springs Road in Springdale. The $60 million, state-of-the-art venue will offer a space for performances, special events, and district-wide occasions for all schools to use. It will include a two-level balcony with seating for roughly […]


Lexington 2 middle school student, Kai’Lani Norman wins first place for essay on financial planning

Kai’Lani Norman knows a thing or two about creating a long-term financial plan – but don’t just take our word for it. The New Bridge Academy student won first place among South Carolina middle schoolers for an essay on her long-term investment/financial plan as part of the SIFMA Foundation’s InvestWrite Competition, held this past spring […]


Need a job? – The Lexington 2 school district is hiring

Are you looking for a job? The Lexington 2 school district is hiring for the 2022-23 school year. Needed are: teachers; teacher assistants; nurses; bus drivers; substitute teachers; maintenance techs; office support; and more. A district appeal notes the district offers: competitive salaries; state benefits; and flexible support programs. Click here to find out more […]


Barry Bolen to serve as Brookland-Cayce High School principal for 2022-23 School Year

Lexington School District Two announced Tuesday that Barry Bolen will serve as principal of Brookland-Cayce High School for the 2022-23 school year. He was serving as interim Lexington Two superintendent. The announcement reads: “Mr. Bolen has a long history with Lexington Two, beginning in 1988 when he was hired as principal of Fulmer Middle School.  […]


New Principal named for Pine Ridge Middle School

Pine Ridge Middle School will have a new principal for the 2022-2023 school year. Karen Holloman, who currently serves as assistant principal at Riverbank Elementary, has been named to the top job at Pine Ridge Middle.  The hire was recommended by Lexington Two Acting Superintendent Barry Bolen and approved by the Board of Trustees at […]