Survey says most Lexington County residents have positive impression
Press Release from Harrison Cahill, Lexington County Public Information Officer
On April 11, 2016, Lexington County Council embarked on a community engagement survey, giving residents a chance to voice their opinions of the County’s provided services and how they can be improved.
500 of the County’s residents responded to a telephone survey, which produced statistically valid responses based on the County’s demographics. 3,781 of the County’s residents took online survey and completed physical copies.
Overall, Lexington County residents have a positive impression of the County’s public services.
54 percent of telephone respondents said they trust Lexington County Council’s leadership, direction, plans and decisions.
Respondents had favorable impressions of the County’s library (88 percent), fire service (88 percent), 911 communications (82 percent), EMS (83 percent) and law enforcement (84 percent) services.
83 percent of respondents said that road maintenance is the top issue which needs to be addressed by the County. There are 2,731 miles of public roads in Lexington County; 1,220 miles are maintained by the County of Lexington and 1,511 miles are maintained by the State and SCDOT.
Respondents said other areas needing improvement include stormwater management (34 percent), solid waste (20 percent) and animal control (19 percent) services.
The County of Lexington thanks all of the respondents who voiced their opinions and participated in the community engagement survey. These results will help to lay the groundwork for strategic plans Lexington County Council develops as the County grows.
A comprehensive report of the survey is available for public viewing online at: http://www.lex-co.com/Departments/Internal/LexCoCommEngageStudy.pdf