Survey of Lexington County services to be conducted
The County of Lexington is embarking on a community engagement survey to give County residents a chance to voice their expectations for the services the County provides and how we can make them better.
The survey, which will be conducted by a Columbia-based third-party research group to ensure accountability and anonymity, will begin on April 13. Postcards announcing the commencement of the survey will be direct-mailed to 90,000 homes, representing 170,000 registered voters in the County, on April 14. The survey will conclude on May 8.
County officials will then compile and analyze the response data to determine how services the County provides can be made better.
A survey will also be conducted via telephone through the third-party research group to ensure feedback from all areas across Lexington County. Hard copies of the survey will only be made available at the County of Lexington Administration Building for those without computer access.
However, County residents who do not have Internet access at home are invited to complete the survey online at any Lexington County Public Library branch.
Residents can access the survey by typing in the following URL: www.lexcocommsurvey.com
Source: Lexington County Press Release