Students learn to drive in the Scooter Scott Project driver’s permit training course
The Department of Motor Vehicles can be intimidating for a 15-year-old. Especially for a child who comes from a home with limited resources.
That’s why Jeff Jones, director of the Scooter Scott Project, and his team of volunteers offer a Free Driver’s Permit class. It helps potential drivers with the written permit test that is given by the SC DMV.
“We help these kids with moral support,” said Jones, “Many of these kids can’t afford driver’s education and the schools do not teach it anymore.”

The class is part of the Leadership Academy offered by the Scooter Scott Project and it’s held four times during the school year and once in the summer. One class of 12 students each quarter is made up of Airport High School students and the other class of 12 has Brookland-Cayce High School students. It’s taught after school.
The students study the driver’s handbook and they practice on a driving simulator that was donated to the Scooter Scott Project by Grace Chapel and City Church.
“The simulator is very realistic,” said Scott. “It has rain and snow conditions on it.”
The students also practice driving in a golf cart. And that’s not all.
“We help them get all of their documents together,” said Jones. And 30 percent of the students we teach get their permit on the first try.”
“By taking the class it helps take the pressure off,” said Jones, “It helps relieve the anxiety that comes with taking the permit test.”
Jones said he loves to hear success stories from those who take the class. “Thanks for all that y’all did for my son, he passed the permit test.” is just one of the messages Jones has received.
There is a need for a location to hold the class for Brookland-Cayce High School class. If any church can help contact the Scooter Scott Project.
Last year, 150 students took the class. It gets some state funding and churches and individuals also donate to help.
If you’d like to volunteer, or contribute, you can email at: [email protected] The website is http://www.scooterscott.org or call: (803) 622-4119.

The Scooter Scott Project is a faith-based organization helping kids in middle and high school become future leaders of tomorrow. Christ Centered.