Steel Hands Brewing raises funds and buys dogs for Cayce Police Department’s K-9 Unit in honor of fallen Officer Drew Barr
Steel Hands Brewing along with local law enforcement agencies introduced two new K-9s on Tuesday, at a press conference hosted at Steel Hands Brewing.
The K-9s, new team members of the Cayce Police Department K-9 Unit, were purchased through funding raised at the 2022 Steel Paws Benefit Event at Steel Hands Brewing. In addition, critical equipment and vehicles secured through charitable donations from the past event will be on display at the press conference. Steel Paws is a charitable mission that provides year-round support for canine initiatives.
“We are so excited to meet the new K-951 We were overwhelmed last year with the generosity and support of our community, and now to see those donations come full circle is why the Steel Paws mission is so important to us.” — Ashley Lambert, Marketing Director, Steel Hands Brewing
Saturday, April 22., 1-5pm, the Steel Paws Event will be hosted at Steel Hands Brewing to support Public Safety Canines. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Cayce Police Department, Richland County Sheriff’s Department and Lexington County Sheriff’s Department canine programs.
“We are beyond thankful to Steel Hands Brewing for being a corporate partner that cares so much about our Cayce officers and our community. This means slot to our officers, our City, and most importantly, the Barr Family of those that love and remember Officer Drew Barr. The K9 program meant so much to Drew, and this IS a wonderful way to continue honoring his memory. We can’t wait to meet the newest K9s,” — Mayor Elise Partin, City of Cayce
Steel Hands Brewing encourages fans to come out to this free event and support Steel Paws while enjoying a day of entertaining live music, live canine demonstrations, new Steel Paws merchandise and morel Steel Hands Brewing will donate a portion of every case of Steel Paws Wheat Ale and associated rnerchandise sold from the Taproom to the cause. In addition, a portion of proceeds from the sale of the Steel Paws Wheat Ale being distributed will be donated. Event Sponsorships and VIP packages will also be available to support Steel Paws.
For more information on Steel Paws, how to join us in supporting canines, please visit www.steelhandsbrewing.com/steel-paws