Springdale’s splash pad could open in late June
Mayor Michael Bishop said the materials for the splash pad are in and work has begun on it. The splash pad is being installed in the park beside Town Hall.
The new splash pad will be 40 ft. by 40 ft. It will feature a palm tree with water shooting out, and there will be additional water jets in the splash pad. Water jetting will be on a timer, initiated by touch.
The new splash pad will be much bigger than the one the town now has. The current water facility that is being replaced is in the park beside Town Hall, off of Platt Springs Road. Bishop said the original water
feature draws hundreds in the summer. The new splash pad will be ADA accessible.

“We are hoping everything will be up and running by end of June, and just in time to celebrate and cool off on the 4th of July,” said Bishop. Town of Springdale images.