Springdale’s 2016 National Night Out event wins a national award
Springdale Police Department’s 2016 National Night Out event received national recognition from the National Association of Town Watch.
The Springdale Police Department’s 2016 National Night Out event has received recognition from the National Association of Town Watch. The event ranked in at eighth in the nation for areas with a population of less than 5,000.
The National Association of Town Watch looked at the overall organization of the event, citizen/neighborhood participation, media & promotional coverage, and a post project report that was submitted by the police department.
Springdale Police Department was proud to host the event and proud to have so many businesses, community organizations, and citizens standing united as superheroes in our community to give crime a going away party.
The event was held on October 3rd, 2016 at 2915 Platt Springs Rd. in Springdale. The Springdale Police Department holds this event on the first Tuesday in October every year.
This is the second year that the Springdale Police Department has received national recognition for this annual event. The Springdale Police Department was not the only South Carolina jurisdiction recognized by the National Association of Town Watch. The City of Columbia ranked in at number fifteen in their category.
This event was successful due to the involvement of so many local businesses, citizens, community organizations, and media outlets. The event was publicized by Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber, Westmetronews.com and Springdale Edition of The South West Lexington Ledger,. Businesses and organizations that participated include Pepsi, Krispy Kreme Cayce, Bojangles’, Brad the Balloon Man & Magic Patti, Celebrate Freedom Foundation, Lexington County Sheriff’s Department (Bomb Unit, Marine Patrol and Explorers), Kids’ Stuff Learning Center, Jumperee, LLC, Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School, Team CARS, Columbia Fireflies, SOVA, SERVPRO of Cayce/West Columbia and Lexington, SC DSS Foster Home, Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands, Emerald’s Artistry Face Painting, Heroes In Blue, Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), Lexington ABATE, Damsel In Defense Corporate (mydamselpro.net/bcade) and SilverJax Cheer! Many of the citizens that joined us for the event dressed up as their favorite superheroes.