Springdale Town Council meeting, gets new crime fighting dog, named Batman

Tuesday, at 6pm, the Town of Springdale will have its town council meeting.
Mayor Michael Bishop said “It’s going to be a special night as we welcome our newest officer, Bruce Wayne, aka Batman. Bruce is a 2-year old German Shepherd who has recently joined the ranks of the Springdale Police Department.”
Bruce is currently in training, but should be on the streets patrolling very
soon. He will be certified in narcotics detection and tracking when he is
done with his training.
A Springdale Police car now has K-9 decals. Officer McWilliams is doing an excellent job with Bruce, Bishop said.
“We believe that Bruce will be a major asset to the department and that he will play a major role in providing a safer community for our citizens in Springdale,” said Bishop. He invites all resident to come to the town council meeting to meet Bruce.
Also on the council agenda will be the second readings regarding allowing for a single family dwelling in an area that’s zoned C-1 and the garbage container ordinance change requiring residents to put their containers up by the next morning after pickup.
-The Wattling Rd litter pick up last weekend was a huge success, Bishop said. He and at least 10 others came out and we picked up 21 bags of trash.
Thank you to everyone who helped and a special thank you to Josh Ancik and the Beautification Committee for putting the clean-up project together.
-The bridge on Rainbow, according to DOT, should begin in May of 2016 and should take 18-24 months for completion.
The town still has some extra garbage containers available for free if you
would like an additional one. Call town hall if interested at (803)794-0408.