Special election scheduled for West Columbia Dist. 1, after death of councilman
The City of West Columbia will conduct a special election for the election of a City Council member in Council District One.
The election is scheduled for Tuesday June 20, and it for the replacement of Councilman Dale Harley, who died last week. Harley’s term ends in November. But since he died more than 180 days before the end of his term, a special election is required to fill the seat.
The special election was announced on the city’s website, Wednesday afternoon. The information, below, regarding the election was issued, too.
Maps showing the district boundaries will be available for public inspection during regular business hours in the administrative offices at West Columbia City Hall, 200 N. 12th Street. The election will be held on a nonpartisan, plurality basis in each district for Council according to the Ordinances of the City of West Columbia and the Code of Laws for the State of South Carolina, as amended.

Any person wishing to register to vote in said election must do so no later than May 20, 2017. Voters who are blind, physically handicapped, or unable to read or write are entitled to assistance in casting their ballot. This assistance may be given by anyone the voter chooses except his employer, an agent of his employer, or an officer or agent of his union. The Managers of Election must be notified if assistance is needed. Voters who are unable to enter their polling place due to physical handicap or age may vote in the vehicle in which they drove, or were driven, to the polls. When notified, the Managers will help these voters using the curbside voting provision.
Registered electors who cannot vote in person may be eligible to vote by absentee ballot. The process of examining the return-addressed envelopes containing absentee ballots will begin at 9 am on Election Day at the Lexington County Registration and Elections Commission at 605 W. Main Street in Lexington, S.C. Persons wishing more information concerning absentee voting should contact the Lexington County Registration and Elections Commission at (803) 785-8362.
The polls will open at 7 AM and close at 7 PM. The precincts and locations will be as follows:
Precinct Location Address
West Columbia No. 4 West Side Baptist Church 2100 Platt Springs Road
Hook’s Store B-C Grammar School No. 1 114 Hook Avenue
Springdale Springdale Elementary School 361 Wattling Rd
Barrier free poll Suite 105 Lexington Co. Auxiliary Bldg. 605 W. Main St. Lexington, SC
Fail-safe Suite 105 Lexington Co. Auxiliary Bldg. 605 W. Main St. Lexington, SC
In order to qualify as a candidate for office and have his or her name placed upon the ballot, one must:
1. Be a resident of District One (1) of the City of West Columbia.
2. Be a qualified elector.
3. File a written Statement of Candidacy with the City Clerk on or before 5 PM on April 21, 2017.
4. Recommended a copy of the Statement of Economic Interest be filed with the City Clerk on or before 5 PM on April 21, 2017.
5. Pay a qualifying fee of $100.00 for the office of Council Member.
6. Campaign Disclosure according to Ethics filing guidelines
Candidates must file this information and pay applicable fees to the City Clerk at City Hall during regular office hours beginning April 7 at 12 noon and close April 21 at 5 pm.
On Thursday, June 22, at 9 AM in Suite 105 of the Lexington County Auxiliary Building at 605 W. Main Street, Lexington, S.C. the West Columbia Election Commission will receive the preliminary election results from the Lexington County Registration and Elections Commission.
At 7 PM on June 20, 2017, the West Columbia Election Commission will hold a hearing at the West Columbia City Hall at 200 N. 12th Street in West Columbia, S.C. to determine the validity of all ballots challenged in this election and to certify the results of the General Election.