Some Lexington 3 students going to 4-day-a-week schedule beginning Nov. 2
Lexington County School District Three, in Batesburg-Leesville, schools is preparing to transition face-to-face students in grades 6th through 8th at Batesburg-Leesville Middle School from the current hybrid schedule to a four days per week in-person model beginning on Nov. 2.
Lexington One and Lexington-Richland Five have also implemented expanded in-person school attendance. Lexington Two will revisit the possibility of a five-day-a-week schedule for some students on Nov. 12.
Since school started in August, students who chose the hybrid model have attended in-person classes two days a week and then worked virtually three days a week.
The new four days per week model will allow students to attend in-person classes at Batesburg-Leesville Middle School on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, leaving Wednesdays as virtual learning days. The four days per week model will run through Nov. 13 and then, provided that COVID conditions are favorable, face-to-face students will begin a five days per week model on November 16th. The VIP model (all virtual program) will continue unchanged. Daily start and dismissal times will remain the same for now, but they are under review and are subject to change.
Social distancing of students and staff members will continue to be observed as much as possible and plexiglass panels will be used for every student in every class at Batesburg-Leesville Middle School. Face coverings will also continue to be required for students and staff members while they are inside of the school. In addition, students will still be screened each day for COVID symptoms via temperature checks prior to entering the building.