Site plan released for new Lexington 2 elementary school
While there is still much to be determined, plans for a second new Lexington 2 elementary school are coming together.
The school will be on Cougar Drive, in West Columbia, next-to Northside Middle School. It is just off of Sunset Boulevard.
Plans for the school are being drawn up by Carter, Jumper, Sease Architects. Included is a site plan and information from the architect.
The school will include:
A safe and secure limited access drive to Hummingbird Drive for staff and buses only. (That will include the removal of underbrush for clear site line all the way to Hummingbird.)
A 30-foot landscape buffer and solid 6-ft. wood fence at rear property line adjacent to residences.
There will be no athletic fields or athletic field lighting.
When the school opens there will be staggered start times for the elementary school and Northside
Middle School.
There will also be storm detention ponds with increased capacity. Click on graphic below to enlarge.