Several railroad crossings in Lexington closed for maintenance, detours requested
The Lexington Police Department was notified Wednesday morning by the Norfolk Southern Corp. that the railroad company has immediately closed several railroad crossings in the Town of Lexington for railway maintenance. The LPD is moving quickly to try to spread the word on since it will likely impact drivers in the Town of Lexington Wednesday and even more Thursday with the closing of South Lake Drive (SC-6) at Railroad Avenue.

The immediate closings for Wednesday are the railroad crossings at Swartz Road near Railroad Avenue, Wildlife Road near Industrial Drive, and Zenker Road near Industrial Drive. These three railroad crossing closures will continue through the day and possibly overnight.
Thursday, beginning at 5 a.m., the railroad crossing at South Lake Drive (SC-6) at Railroad Avenue will be closed throughout the day. The LPD is asking that those who commute through the Town of Lexington are aware of these closures and plan to avoid the area or detour around.