Several Lexington 2 students chosen for various prestigious musical groups
Lexington Two students have been selected as participants in a number of prestigious musical groups and events. Among them:

All-State Chorus: Landon Allison, Nemiah Carrie, Airport High School; Callie Grace Burgess, Brookland Cayce High School. Performance scheduled for March.
American Choral Directors Association Honor Choir: Lucas Burr, Riley Myers, Quener Ramirez, Bradlynn Sturkie, Kalvin Valentine, all of Brookland Cayce High School. Performance scheduled for January.
American Choral Directors Association Southern (Region) Honor Choir: Landon Allison, Nemiah Carrie, Allicen Caulder, all of Airport High School. Performance scheduled for February in Louisville, Kentucky.
South Carolina Music Educators Association Central Region Choir: Ian Barnes, Lucy Barry, Emily Bochette, Tamia Bowman, Lucas Burr, Daniela Castaneda, Camila Costeno Rodriguez, McKenna Dodson, Raeleigh Hafer, Hayden Howell, Jada Jackson, Ginger Libbey, Riley Myers, Quener Ramirez, David Summers, Alexis Toller, Kalvin Valentine, Lauren Waters, Kamente Williams, Olivia Wright, all of Brookland-Cayce High School
South Carolina Music Educators Association Middle School Region Choir: Mary-Ella Rogers, Jade Kitchen, Izabella Szcechowski, Parris Brown, Acey Shull, Isabella Rabon, Hannah Rabon, Shelby Straube, Madallyn Cribb, Melanie Alarcon, Myiah Sisson Hayes, Jade Holman, Scarlett Breton, Arianna LaRosa, Sade Hamilton, Jade Ramos, Emmanuel Jones, Austin Nash, all of Fulmer Middle School
South Carolina Music Educators Association All-Region Orchestra: Avery McCree (violin), Kaitlyn Broome (violin), Brianna Harris (viola), Jose Pareja (bass), Zeal Shaheed (bass), Londyn Couch (violin), Josh Smith (violin), all of Airport High School; McKenzie Boatwright (violin), Mars Whitney (viola), Brookland-Cayce High School; Jenny Bui (violin), Edson Alarcon-Garcia (string bass), Busbee Creative Arts Academy
USC Vocal Arts Seminar: Tirzah Graham, Bridget Panigua Ilagor, Landon Allison, all of Airport High School
Lexington District 2 Vocal Performance Class: Ian Barnes, Lucy Barry, Callie Burgess, Lucas Burr, Riley Myers, Quener Ramirez, Lauren Waters, all of Brookland-Cayce High School.