Setzler Earns High Mark on S.C. Chamber Scorecard

The South Carolina Chamber of Commerce has released their 2016 Legislative Scorecard, and State Senator Nikki Setzler (West Columbia) has once again earned the Business Advocate Award with a score of 90 percent.
“It’s an honor to receive this recognition from an organization I respect so deeply,” said Setzler. “As the voice of my constituents, it is my duty to fight for pro-growth reforms that allow job-creating businesses to thrive in Senate District 26 and all over South Carolina.”
The Chamber scorecard praised Senator Setzler for his votes to…
Implement a comprehensive plan for workforce development that provides pathways to employment;
Reinstitute a council of education and business advocates that would advise the SC Department of Education on ways to increase graduation rates and close skills gap between education and successful careers;
Reform the SC Department of Transportation so that it is more efficient and accountable;
Provide vital, recurring funding that will improve the state’s failing roads, bridges, and highways;
Assist farmers who suffered devastating crop loss during last October’s historic flooding and;
Shorten the costly legislative session.
“By and large, the General Assembly and business community had a productive year in 2016,” said SC Chamber President and CEO Ted Pitts. “The bulk of the work from this legislature focused on two key economic drivers: workforce development and improving the condition of our roads and bridges.”
Each legislative session, the Chamber tracks roll call votes on key business issues and tallies them to determine an overall score for each member of the General Assembly.
In 2016, the Chamber weighed the issues on importance to the business climate and economic competitiveness, and tracked key votes on infrastructure, workforce development, and aid for the farmers who are the backbone of South Carolina’s economy.