Sen. Nikki Setzler says input opportunity on Quail Hollow road plan extended
Sen. Nikki Setzler said the opportunity period to comment on a plan that could result in a rod through the West Columbia neighborhood of Quail Hollow has been extended.
Setzler said he explained to SCDOT officials “that many residents in Quail Hollow just recently learned of the proposed malfunction junction alternative that would devastate the Quail Hollow community. There wasn’t nearly sufficient notice given for public input.”
After numerous conversations, SCDOT has agreed to extend the “Carolina Crossroads” comment period even further… to November 18 at 5pm.
I’ve also spoken with Lexington Medical Center and the City of West Columbia and they too have grave concerns that they are going to convey to SCDOT, as well.
We now have almost a month to make our voices heard. But time is still of the essence!
If you haven’t yet left a comment telling SCDOT that you oppose the malfunction junction alternative that goes through Quail Hollow, please do so TODAY. Here’s the link: http://www.scdotcarolinacrossroads.com/#contact-us
I understand we need a solution to fix malfunction junction, but this option SHOULD NOT even be on the table.