Sen. Nikki Setzler part of groundbreaking ceremony for “transformational” improvements on I-26 in Lexington County
A groundbreaking ceremony was held Friday for the I-26 at US 21 (US 176) Intersection Improvement Project. Sen. Nikki Setzler, along with SC Gov. Henry McMaster and State Transportation Secretary Christy Hall spoke the event, with State Rep. Russell Ott.
“This project is transformational for Lexington and Calhoun counties,” Setzler said, “and the Midlands and the people of South Carolina. This interchange is confusing and dangerous as well as 63-years-old. It will be replaced by a state of the art interchange with duel entry and duel exit ramps to I-26 and five lanes on the bridge over I-26.“
As part of the project the SC Department of Transportation will be making improvements to the Exit 119 interchange along Interstate 26 at US 21/US 176 that will correct geometric deficiencies and support increased traffic anticipated for the interchange. Construction of the proposed project will occur primarily in Lexington County, with the southern tip of the project stretching into Calhoun County.
Major Work Items Include:
Replacing the existing partial cloverleaf with a tight diamond interchange to accommodate future traffic volumes. US 21 will be widened with a new bridge at the overpass to accommodate dual left turn lanes in each direction. Rolling Meadows Lane will be realigned to accommodate a new EB off-ramp. US 21 will be realigned East of the interchange to simplify the road network and provide adequate spacing between traffic signals. The existing US 21 overpass will be demolished and a new bridge will be constructed (2 lanes of traffic will be maintained on US 21 over I-26 during construction).

Project Need:
The COATS MPO identified Exit 119 from I-26 onto US 21 as its priority-need interchange. Upgrades to the existing interchange are needed to eliminate the following deficiencies:
Unconventional and Confusing Geometry:
Currently, travelers moving onto and from the westbound ramps are required to perform multiple turns through U-turn, stop-, and yield-controlled intersections rather than the free-flowing conditions onto and off the interstate that are typically associated with interstate ramps.
Nonconforming Design:
The tight curves of the existing loops on the clover-leaf ramps are not adequate for, nor compatible with, the current interstate speed of 70 miles per hour.
There are sight distance limitations caused by physical structures such as the bridge’s parapet and guardrail, as well as by trees at the interchange.
Traffic Volumes
- The current (2016) average daily traffic (ADT) on I-26 is 59,900 vehicles per day (vpd). The current ADT on US 21 is 5,300 vpd.
- Design year (2040) ADT volumes are projected to be 103,000 vpd on I-26 and 15,000 vpd on US 21.
- Without improvement, the off-ramp intersections and some adjacent intersections will operate at an overall level of service (LOS) “F” in 2040. The projected traffic from the planned extension of 12th Street from Old Wire Road to US 21 is included in these 2040 design year traffic volumes.
Bridge History:
- The original bridge was built in 1959 with an original design clearance from I-26 being 15.3 feet. The bridge is 236 feet long, 2 lanes, and consists of 4 spans of prestressed concrete beams.
- In 1991 the bridge spans over I-26 were raised 1.2 feet allowing for a 16.5’ clearance.
- The proposed bridge will be 178 feet long, able to accommodate 7 lanes, and consists of 2 spans of prestressed concrete beams. The new minimum clearance between the bridge and I-26 will be 17 feet 8 inches.
Upcoming: Widening of I-26 between MM 125 and MM 136: Plans are to let this project December.