School District Victim of Data Breach
Notice of Data Breach
Please read this letter in its entirety.
We recently fell victim to a social engineering scam which resulted in the disclosure of your W-2
information. This information includes name, address, social security number and salary data. Bank
account numbers were not part of this information. This only impacts those that received a paycheck
directly from Lexington 2 in calendar year 2016. We have also been asked if passwords should be
changed with District email and bank accounts. With any password it is recommended that you change
them on a regular basis every 45 days.
While we have no evidence that any of your personal information has been misused in any manner,
we are taking appropriate precautionary measures to ensure your financial security and help alleviate
concerns you may have.
What is Lexington 2 doing to address this situation?
Lexington 2 is providing you with access to Triple Bureau Credit Monitoring* services at no charge.
These services provide you with alerts for twelve months from the date of enrollment when changes
occur to any of your credit files from Experian, Equifax or TransUnion. As part of this monitoring, a
notification is sent to you the same day that any change or update takes place with the bureau. These
services will be provided by CyberScout (formerly IDT911), a company that specializes in identity theft
education and resolution.
Lexington 2 has also already notified SLED, the South Carolina Department of Revenue, the Social
Security Administration, the IRS, the South Carolina Consumer Affairs Commission, the Consumer
Protection Division, SC PEBA-Insurance and SC Retirement, and the SC Deferred Compensation plan.
How do I enroll for the free services?
A separate letter containing your unique code and log-in information will be mailed to you the week of
January 30, 2017 to enroll in Credit Monitoring* services at no charge.
What can I do on my own to address this situation now?
Until you receive notification of how to access the free credit monitoring service, we strongly urge all
employees to do the following:
To place a fraud alert on your own, you will need to contact one of the three major credit agencies
below directly. Once you contact one, they will contact the other 2.
Experian (1-888-397-3742) Experian
Equifax (1-800-525-6285) Equifax
Transunion (1-800-680-7289) Link Fraud-Victim-Resource/Alert
Also, you can IMMEDIATELY obtain your free copies our your credit report by going to the following
website: www.annualcreditreport.com or by calling them toll-free at 1-877-322-8228. (Hearing
impaired consumers can access their TDD service at 1-877-730-4204).
Upon receipt of your credit report, we recommend that you review it carefully for any suspicious activity
and report to the credit bureaus any such activity.
We also recommend that you notify the IRS that your tax records may be at risk by completing IRS
Form 14039 (Identity Theft Affidavit) which can be located at http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-
pdf/f14039.pdf. You will need to send Form 14039 to the IRS along with a copy of your valid
government-issued identification, such as a Social Security card, driver’s license, or passport to the
address on the form or by faxing to 1-855-807-5720.
Detailed below are a few things to keep in mind when filing Internal Revenue Service Form 14039:
All documents, including your identification, must be clear and legible
The identity theft marker will remain on your file for a minimum of three tax cycles
Any returns containing your social security number will be reviewed by the IRS for possible fraud
The marker may delay the processing of any legitimate tax returns
We also recommend that you visit the IRS Taxpayer Guide to Identity Theft at http://www.irs.gov.
The South Carolina Department of Revenue may send you a letter requesting additional information
when you file your state taxes.
You can also obtain more information about identity theft and ways to protect yourself from the Federal
Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC has an identity theft hotline: 877-438-4338; TTY: 1-866-653-4261.
They also provide information on-line at www.ftc.gov/idtheft.
At Lexington 2 we take our responsibilities to protect your personal information very seriously. We are
deeply disturbed by this situation and apologize for any inconvenience.
* Services marked with an “*” require an internet connection and e-mail account and may not be
available to minors under the age of 18 years of age. Please note that when signing up for monitoring
services, you may be asked to verify personal information for your own protection and in order to
confirm your identity.