School District Two to discuss new building projects
The Board of Trustees of Lexington County School District Two will meet in special session beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 6, in the Board Room of the District Education Center, 715 Ninth Street, West Columbia.

District 2 voters passed a $225 million bond referendum in Nov. to pay for the building of two new elementary schools and other facilities additions and upgrades.
Here are some of the items on the agenda:
Building Program / Bond Referendum Project Updates: Chief Financial Officer
A. Review of the Referendum Question
B. List of Architect / CM at Risk Groups and the Projects Assigned to Each
C. Budgets by Project
D. Breakdown of Each Architect / CM at Risk Group to include Estimated Costs
E. Recommendations for Sites for CATE Center and Fine Arts Center
F. Discussion on Timeline for Projects at Springdale and Fulmer
G. Discussion on Project Management
H. Approval of Contract for Paving of Transportation Parking Lot Superintendent
V. Back-to-School Update:
A. Overview Superintendent
B. Enrollment/Staffing Chief Instructional Officer/
C. Discussion on Date Change for the August Regular Chairman
to Complete the Projects, Timeline to Implement and Complete the Projects,
Work Currently in Progress (surveying, roofing, etc.), Any Design Drafts
Monthly Meeting
VI. Executive Session: Chairman
A. Consideration of Personnel Appointments and Resignations
B. Consideration of Request for Reduction on Out-of-District Tuition