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SCDOT to host “Alternatives” meeting on I-20/26/126 Corridor project, Sept. 19
The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) invites the public to attend the upcoming Reasonable Alternatives Public Information Meeting to provide feedback on improvements for “Malfunction Junction” through the Carolina Crossroads I-20/26/126 Corridor Project.
The purpose of the meeting is to present and solicit comments from the public on the Reasonable Alternatives that will move forward in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). Additional information will be provided to explain the process used to evaluate and eliminate interchange design options introduced at the October 2016 public meeting. The meeting will be held: from Noon until 7 p.m. on Sept. 19, at the Columbia Conference Center, 169 Laurelhurst Avenue Columbia.
Interested parties may attend the meeting any time between noon and and 7 p.m. No formal presentation will be given. Interactive display maps showing details of the Reasonable Alternatives will be available for review and the project team will be available to answer questions.
“Public feedback is critical for us to refine the traffic management solutions in the area,” said SCDOT Project Manager Brian Klauk. “Everyone is invited to attend and help drive the conversation.”
About the Project: Often called “Malfunction Junction,” the I-20, I-26 and I-126 interstate corridor is the crossroads of the state economy and serves as the major hub for the Midlands’ commuters, travelers, and commerce.
The Carolina Crossroads I-20/26/126 Corridor Project is the number one statewide interstate priority for South Carolina. When complete, the Carolina Crossroads Project will improve local mobility, improve safety and system linkages in the corridor, reduce traffic congestion and accommodate future traffic needs. SCDOT is driving toward a 2019 destination when a contractor will take this project to construction.
SCDOT is currently working to develop draft solutions to relieve traffic congestion on the corridor. These draft solutions, or “Reasonable Alternatives,” were developed by connecting the best interchange designs that provide the most improvement to traffic in the entire system. Reasonable Alternatives will be advanced or dismissed for a variety of reasons including how well they meet the purpose and need for the project, cost, social and economic impacts, and environmental concerns. The final analysis of reasonable alternatives will be presented in the DEIS, which will be released for public review in early 2018.
Those who are not able to attend the meeting in person may view an online version of the meeting from September 5 to October 19, 2017 on the project website at www.SCDOTCarolinaCrossroads.com.
The public will have 30 days after the Reasonable Alternatives Public Information Meeting to submit comments. Comments are due by October 19, 2017 and can be emailed to [email protected], recorded via the Project Hotline number at 1-800-601-8715 or mailed to:
Carolina Crossroads Corridor Project
C/O South Carolina Department of Transportation
Midlands Regional Production Group, Room 418
PO Box 191
Columbia, SC 29202-0191
The meeting location is ADA accessible. Persons in need of a sign language interpreter, Spanish or other language interpreter, an assistive listening device, large print or Braille material, or other accommodation to participate should contact Ms. Nicole Riddle at 803-737-0841. For the Hearing Impaired, please call 855-GO-SCDOT for assistance.