SC Treasurer Curtis Loftis says there’s more than $19 million in unclaimed Lexington County cash

S.C. State Treasurer Curtis Loftis may be looking for you.
He said there is more than $650 million in unclaimed property, of residents in South Carolina, that the treasurer’s’ office has access to. Photo of Curtis Loftis is from the Columbia Chamber of Commerce, where he won an award.
“The chances are pretty good that you, or someone you know, has unclaimed money waiting for them at our office,” said Loftis.
He said there’s more than $19 million waiting to be claimed in by Lexington County alone.
You may know someone who has money or stock due them. And don’t forget to check for yourself – there might be money waiting for you, too.
Visit the treasurer’s office money and assets website to see if there is any cash under your name. Here’s the link: https://southcarolina.findyourunclaimedproperty.com/app/claim-search