1 a Farmers

SC State Farmers Market in West Columbia provides access to fresh SC Certified produce

The South Carolina State Farmers Market is at 3483 Charleston Hwy, West Columbia. 

At the farmers market you can buy Certified SC products. When you get Certified SC products, not only are you supporting local farms and farmers, you’re purchasing goods that are fresher, tastier and healthier. There’s an amazing variety, all grown, harvested, raised, and made locally. A range of items are included, from tomatoes, bar-b-cue sauce, poultry and squash, to sweet potatoes, watermelon and seafood. 

Lexington 2 students sort produce

With a West Columbia address, the farmers market is in close proximity to West Columbia schools and many of its restaurants. The restaurants and the schools take advantage of the convenient access to farm fresh produce. 

“It is such a benefit to have such an asset as the state farmers market in West Columbia,” said Michelle Cox. She is a special education teacher who heads up the Lexington Two School District’s TARGET Program, which finds jobs for special education students, ages 18-to-21.

Cox also provides produce bags, with fruits and vegetables from Senn Bros Produce and the SC State Farmers Market, to raise funds for the program she oversees. 

“We have staff and faculty at West Columbia schools, including Saluda River and Riverbank Elementary, and Northside Middle, who purchase produce bags from us. Our share is $5-per-bag and it comes back to the classroom for the TARGET students to attend field trips, community events, and other activities we have to pay for.” Her students sort the produce and distribute the boxes.

Mike Davis – Terra

Several West Columbia restaurants make sure to use SC Certified produce for the dishes on their menus. 

West Columbia restaurants using produce from the farmers market are: Terra; Savage Craft Ale Works, Black Rooster; Maurice’s Piggie Park BBQ; and Cafe Strudel. Terra at 100 State St., West Columbia, always uses fresh local produce, according to Mike Davis, Terra owner and chef.

“At Terra, we have an appreciation for South Carolina’s dedicated farmers and millers,” said Davis. There is a strong “field-to-table” focus at Terra and we provide a list of local suppliers for the dining public.”   

Produce for diners are not the only items distributed by the farmers market, brewers take advantage, too.
We use a variety of South Carolina grown and malted grain in a multitude of beer styles. said Shaun Carney. He is the  Head Brewer for Savage Craft Ale Works. 

So get over the Charleston Highway in West Columbia and take advantage of the South Carolina State Farmers Market. It’s right in your backyard. 

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