Santa’s Mailbox is Back at West Columbia’s Carraway Park and West Columbia’s 19th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Information
Santa’s Mailbox is back in the City of West Columbia! Santa’s Mailbox is located at Carraway Park, 212 Hudson Street, West Columbia. Children can bring their letters or use the provided postcards at the Santa Post Office and drop them in Santa’s mailbox.
Santa’s mailbox accepts letters from November 6 – December 13, 2023, for a response by Christmas. The mailbox will accept letters through December 24, however, if a letter is placed in the box after December 13, a response from Santa might not make it back in time before Christmas Day. All information can be found at www.westcolumbiasc.gov/santasmailbox.
Santa is picking two letters mailed by November 22 to be read by Mrs. Claus at the City’s Annual Christmas Tree Lighting on December 1, at 6:30 PM, at City Hall, 200 N. 12th Street.
Make sure to include the child’s name, age, and address. Parents, please help little ones make their information legible. All letters with a return address will receive a letter from Santa.
19th Annual City of West Columbia Christmas Tree Lighting
The City of West Columbia is hosting the 19th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting on Friday, December 1, 2023, at 6:30 PM, at West Columbia City Hall, 200 N. 12th Street, West Columbia, SC. Area elementary school “What Christmas Means to Me” essay contest winners will be recognized and read the winning essays or poems. In addition to the writing contest, there is a student artwork contest. The winning artwork entry is featured on the cover of the event program. The top three entries are displayed on the Art on State wall in the Interactive Art Park, 425 Meeting Street.
The program will include Christmas carols, greetings, and the lighting of the West Columbia Christmas Tree.
Special Guests
- Dow Welsh, Holland Avenue Baptist Church – Master of Ceremonies
- Busbee Creative Arts Academy Chorus
- Northside Middle School Chorus
- East Point Academy Elementary Chorus
- East Point Academy Panda Players
- Special Readings from Mrs. Claus
Tree Lighting Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/3745674282424657/