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Ronnie Jeffcoat, owner of Ronnie’s Jeweler’s, has passed away

News was trickling out over the weekend, via Facebook, that Ronnie Jeffcoat has passed away. Ronnie is the longtime owner of Ronnie’s Jewelers at 710 12th Street in West Columbia’s Triangle City. He had been in the Jewelry business since 1970. He said he started serving the parents, then the children and then the grandchildren of his first customers.

Link to a story about Ronnie’s business in WestMteroNews

Tim James, CEO and President of the Cayce West Columbia Chamber of Commerce was saddened to hear of Ronnie’s passing.

“Ronnie was a life long friend of our community,- a man who truly loved his clients like family,” James said. “Going in to see Ronnie was more like a visit, than a merchant. His smile, greeting and stories of the past were always what Ronnie shared. Our community has lost a legend,- and a dear friend to all. My family and I will miss Ronnie greatly.”

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