River Bluff High School football player dies after collapse at practice

A River Bluff High School football player died after collpasing at practice Thursday. According to a news release the 14-year-old sophomore died just after 7 p.m.
The player received immediate assistance from two athletic trainers and a coach on the site. They began CPR and the use of an AED, defibrillator. The player was then taken to Lexington Medical Center in an ambulance.
Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher confirmed the player was pronounced dead at the hospital. An autopsy was requested by the parents. The parents also asked that the child’s name not be released until the notification of other family members.
River Bluff High School- in Lexington- is off of Sunset Blvd. (US 378) west of West Columbia.
The team began practice at 5 p.m. and practiced outside for about two hours and 15 minutes.
According to the district release the players took regular water breaks every 15 to 20 minutes. Players are required to leave the field and drink water. Water is available at all times.
Also: two to three athletic trainers are on hand at all times and help to monitor athletes and make sure that the athletes do take water breaks.
River Bluff High School coaches and administrators are in contact with the other football players and their parents/guardians and are keeping them updated.
River Bluff is scheduled to face Mid-Carolina in the second game of the Lexington Sportsarama this Friday at White Knoll High School.