Ricky Branham Tire and Auto, small business success in West Columbia
Ricky Branham opened Ricky’s Tire and Auto Center in West Columbia in late March of 2016. He has been thrilled with the results.
“I have been blessed,” Branham said. “I would not change a thing.”
Branham was in the tire and auto repair business for more than 23 years before taking the plunge and opening his own business at 1534 Sunset Boulevard.
He said there was some fear and it has been tough at times, but he has been able to take advantage of the many good relationships he has built up over the years – in his new venture.
Ricky said, as a business owner, not only is he responsible for his own welfare, He has a staff that depends on him.
Robert Reed and Jason Martin worked with Ricky at his previous job.
“I said I was leaving and they wanted to come,” said Branham. And he wanted to hire them. So they both came to work at Ricky’s, and Branham has developed a strategy to be successful.
“I had the numbers of 40 customers in my phone,” Branham said. Working from his list of contacts, he said he has added to his customer base and he has made many new friends in his role as business owner.
While he has more responsibility, Ricky also has more freedom.
PHOTOS: Ricky above and Ricky and Robert Reed, below.
“I can make the decisions,” Branham said. And sometimes that includes helping out someone in need.
“I can look at you and listen, and sometimes the person talking to you needs some help. But they may not have the money to pay for it,” said Branham.
As the owner, he does not have to ask anyone if he can lend a hand. (Except maybe his wife, Debbie.)
Ricky also said helping out people in true need gives him a “good feeling.” He said a good deed is an investment and it causes customers to develop a sense of trust.
“It all comes back to you,” Branham said. And he said he thanks God for the blessings he has received from his business, and from helping others.
Another benefit of opening his own business, Ricky has the ability to be closer to his family.
Branham’s son-in-law is Jason Martin works for him. And Ricky’s daughter, Amber, comes in and does his book work. Many times Amber brings Elisabeth, his granddaughter.
“I’m not trying to get rich, but we pay the bills,” said Branahm. And he’s happy he took the plunge.