Retiring Lexington 2 employees honored at reception

Some of those retiring from Lexington Two gather after a reception held Thursday at the district office.
Twenty retiring Lexington Two employees were honored at a reception Thursday.
The reception was held before the monthly Board of Trustees meeting at the district office. Among those who have announced their retirement as of June 30 are:
Airport High
Deborah Ann Hightower
Margaret Martin
Wanda Sharpe
Brookland-Cayce High
Anita Brown
Bruce Culcleasure
Lynn Summer
Paulette Truett
Cayce Elementary
Lynn Clendenin
Congaree-Wood Early Childhood Center
Rachel Crapps
Fulmer Middle
Kim Brazell
Kathy Jacob
Angela Lee
Lexington 2 Innovation Center
Bill Raines
New Bridge Academy
Donna Stone
Pine Ridge Middle
Jennifer Eskridge
Springdale Elementary
Liz Jackson
Terri Pope
Ceciela Ann Eddins
Zedora Taylor
District Office
Liz Broome