Relief show at Speedway in Cayce was talent-filled

There was no dearth of talent Sunday night during the Rockin’ 4 Relief concert at Historic Columbia Speedway. Performers delivered one after the other.
Benton Blount, of Greenville, is an America’s Got talent winner. He sung a deeply emotional version of Drift Away, first made popular by Dobie Gray in the 1970s. Blount also sung Can’t You See made famous by the Marshall Tucker Band and Jolene, a Dolly Parton number.
Lyfe Jennings gave a spiritual performance, singing Must Be Nice and It Coulda Been Worse, a song about being thankful for what you have. Very appropriate for the occasion.
Kimberly Nichole sang What’s Going On, and a powerful rendition of the classic House of the Rising Son. Malina Moye’s guitar was impeccable and dripping with talent.
South Carolina native and “American Idol” winner Candace Glover demonstrated a beautiful voice and was a favorite of the crowd. She sang about a former love, and the hope of reconnection.
Billy Gibbons, wearing a Future Farmers of America jacket- Los Angeles- played the ZZ Top hit La Grange, with precision. The band Voodoo Down backed up all night.