Quail Hollow residents concerned about sewage discharge

The Congaree Riverkeeper is criticizing the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) for a plan that would the Reiverkeeper said would make it easier for sewage discharge into the lower Saluda River. The river runs through West Columbia, beside the Quail Hollow residential community that is behind Lexington Medical Center off of Sunset Boulevard.
Bill Stangler of Congaree Riverkeeper said publicly last week, that DHEC has written a permit for Carolina Water Service. The new permit allows the company to continue discharging into the Saluda. Carolina Water Service should be required to connect with the regional wastewater system.
The permit is up for public review and residents in the Quail Hollow subdivision that borders West Columbia, is alerting its residents of the public hearing.

The notice to Quail Hollow residents:
This email is to alert you of a hearing regarding a sewage discharge plan for the Saluda River which runs through our neighborhood. All Quail Hollow residents are encouraged to submit written or emailed comments to DHEC as soon as possible.
-Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 6:30 PM, DHEC Building, 3rd Floor, Peeples Auditorium, 2600 Bull Street, Columbia, SC 29201.
-Enter DHEC building from the main entrance on Bull Street side. All visitors will need to sign in to obtain a visitor’s badge for the hearing.
HOW TO COMMENT? Provide comments at the hearing or give written comments to DHEC’s point of contact Andrew Edwards: Bureau of Water, 2600 Bull Street, Columbia, SC 29201, [email protected], phone 803-898-1271. Written comments (e-mail OK) must be received no later than close of business Tuesday, September 1, 2015. Please identify the notice number (15-137-H) along with written comments.
DHEC Hearing notice:
TOPIC: Reissuance of NPDES permit with discharge to
Saluda River
PROPOSAL: Reissue NPDES permit for the Carolina Water Service, Inc., I-20 Wastewater Treatment
Plant (0.8 MGD facility) with discharge to the Saluda River, Permit #SC0035564. This would include
elimination of the proposed 1.051 MGD permit page and addresses conditions for elimination of the
discharge in the future.
PERMIT APPLICANT: Carolina Water Service (CWS) Inc, 150 Foster Brothers Drive, West Columbia,
PROJECT LOCATION: The facility is located near Laurel Meadows Subdivision off Leaphart Road in
Lexington County. See the draft permit on the DHEC website, at http://www.scdhec.gov/publicnotices/.
NOTICE PURPOSE: DHEC proposes to reissue or issue the discharge permits for disposal of treated
wastewater from the Permit Applicants listed above. See the individual draft permits on the DHEC website at
http://www.scdhec.gov/environment/water/eqpnbow.htm, then select “NPDES & POTW Pretreatment
Program Permits”, and then select one of the NPDES permit names and numbers listed above.
HEARING PURPOSE: DHEC is seeking public input on this proposed permit reissuance, and invites
interested people to a public hearing and/or to provide written comments on this surface water discharge
-Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 6:30 PM, DHEC Building, 3rd Floor, Peeples Auditorium, 2600 Bull
Street, Columbia, SC 29201.
-Enter DHEC building from the main entrance on Bull Street side. All visitors will need to sign in to
obtain a visitor’s badge for the hearing.
HOW TO COMMENT? Provide comments at the hearing or give written comments to DHEC’s point of
contact Andrew Edwards: Bureau of Water, 2600 Bull Street, Columbia, SC 29201, [email protected],
phone 803-898-1271. Written comments (e-mail OK) must be received no later than close of business
Tuesday, September 1, 2015. Please identify the notice number (15-137-H) along with written comments.
Any individuals with disabilities or special needs who wish to participate or review DHEC’s files should
contact Andrew Edwards, two weeks before the hearing date to discuss any special aids or services required.
MORE INFO? DHEC’s project file is available for review at the above address and copies can be obtained
for a fee by contacting our Freedom of Information Office (2600 Bull Street, Columbia, SC 29201, 803-898-
3882). An e-copy of the proposed permit can be found at: http://www.scdhec.gov/Publicnotices
MISCELLANEOUS: DHEC is not involved in zoning, land use, or property value issues (please contact
your local County or Municipal officials for questions or concerns on these issues). All people signing the
hearing roster or providing written comments will receive a summary response to comments and permit
decision information when DHEC makes a permit decision.