Property maintenance and cleanup a priority for West Columbia City Council
From Anna M. Huffman -Communications and Technology Director: The City of West Columbia City Council continues to make property maintenance and cleanup a priority. The City recently identified a property that was severely littered with debris and garbage and was a public safety issue. The lot was not inside city limits and was not required to adhere to city ordinances.

City staff worked with the owners to annex the property into the city, adding the benefit of city services such as police patrol for the lot. Through the City’s blight removal program, approved as a part of the City’s budget, the City worked with the owners to remove underbrush, debris, and trash from the property. This clearing allows for line of sight for police officers to enforce trespassing on the property.
The City’s initiative is to continue to create a clean and safe city for residents, businesses, and visitors. Working with property owners on the removal of blight is the City’s goal. However, if property owners are unwilling to work with the city for cleanup, there are ordinances and measures in place where the city can take action, clean up the property, ticket the owner, and place a lien on the property for the cost of cleanup.
Mayor Tem Miles said, “We are working hard to clean up all parts of our city. I am glad to see the mess that has been here finally cleaned up. This clean-up will improve the quality of life for those who live around it and all those who travel by it.”
“Thank you to the citizens of West Columbia for allowing this area of our city to be cleaned up. This is just one step in this council’s goal to remove blighted areas and unkempt lots,“ stated Mayor Pro-Tem Trevor Bedell.
Before and after the City’s clean-up at the corner of Dreher Road and Grove Street Mayor Tem Miles and Mayor Pro-Tem Trevor Bedell after the City’s clean-up at the corner of Dreher Road and Grove Street